End-Of-Life Plans For Home Hospice

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About Me

Choosing Home Health Care Providers After I learned that I was living with a serious health problem, I knew that recovery would become an important part of my life. To make things easier, I started talking with my doctor about my options. He recommended working with a home health care company, and it was really cool to see how much it helped. They came to my home and worked with me, and day by day, I got a little bit better. After going through that experience, I knew that I wanted to spread the word about home health care. Check out this website for great information.



Nobody wants to think about the end of their life—especially when it comes to those you love the most. That's why getting started with home hospice care and planning for your end-of-life care could be easier said than done. Here are some things that will help you make these plans.

Talk to Your Doctor

The first step is to talk with your doctor about what type of care you want at the end of life and what treatments are most important to you. Your doctor can also help you find resources and services in your community that can meet your needs.

Choose Your Hospice Care Provider

If you choose hospice care, there are two types: in-home or nursing home. In-home hospice care is provided by a hospice team — doctors, nurses, social workers, and aides — who work together with family caregivers at home. Nursing home hospice care is provided by staff from an approved nursing home working closely with a hospice team. A doctor or nurse visits daily or several times per week, depending on your individual needs.

Meet with a Palliative Care Team

The hospice team includes nurses, social workers, chaplains, and other specialists who help patients and families understand their options for end-of-life care. They also educate patients and families about the symptoms that may occur during the last days or weeks of life.

Create an Advance Directive

When you receive hospice care, it's important to create a plan to ensure that you receive the best possible comfort and quality of life until the end. In addition to creating an advance directive for yourself, it's important to discuss this with your loved ones so they know what steps they need to take on your behalf if something happens while they're in charge of making decisions on your behalf.

Spend Time with Loved Ones

Spend time with your loved ones. That might mean staying up late talking, watching movies together, playing games, or even just cuddling or listening to music together.

Let go of any guilt or resentment you may have toward the dying person (or yourself). If you don't let go of negative feelings, they could weigh you down during this difficult time and make it harder for others to connect with you. It's important that everyone be able to express their emotions openly without feeling guilty or afraid of hurting someone else's feelings.

Preparing for the end of your life is a gift to those who will be left behind. For more information on home hospice care, contact a professional near you.

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